Emotional Sobriety Group

Zoom Access & Guidlines

ID: 844 9945 9599 | PW: CODA7PM

What is crosstalk?

Crosstalk can be: giving unsolicited feedback, giving advice, answering, making you and we statements, interrogating, debating, criticizing, controlling, or dominating.

Zoom Meeting Attire:

While attending the meeting, we ask that you dress appropriately. Do not be like the network news reporter who got caught on air wearing shorts under his suit top. Wear pants, even if you think nobody will see them.

Phone Access

Dial by your location:
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 844 9945 9599
Passcode: 3484019

How to reflect through sharing?

Through identification, we can reflect on our own personal experience, feelings, and thoughts. So, when you share, please share from your own personal experience.

How to share with others?

As we continue on this journey, it is critical that each of us speak up as much as we can. Many of us find it difficult to communicate with others, especially strangers. We advise people to start slowly and carefully. Every member intends not to make fun of or embarrass anyone. The best way to share our experiences is to use "I" statements. The terms "crosstalk" and "feedback" are not permitted. We do not give advice, share our political views, or discuss career status with the group.